
aithuia's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 10 (From 2 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 200 Points

Pack Your Bags

Medals Earned: 3/11 (70/500 points)

x3 perfect combo 10 Points

get three perfect notes in a row

x15 perfect combo 10 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 15 notes

x30 perfect combo 50 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 30 notes

Stupid door 5 Points

How to open them

x64 mega perfect combo 25 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 64 notes

Beat the game 50 Points

Beat the final guy

Complete Finish 50 Points

Beat the boss without using the checkpoint

Semi Flawless Complete Finish 50 Points

Beat the game with at least 3 lives left

x100 ultra perfect combo 100 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 100 notes

Flawless Complete Finish 100 Points

Beat the game without using the checkpoint or taking damage

95% mastery 50 Points

finish the game with over 95% completion

Reel Deep

Medals Earned: 7/12 (130/455 points)

Off the hook 5 Points

Return to the surface without a single item

Harder than it looks 5 Points

Return to the surface with only a single rock

Not on Porpoise 10 Points

Return 100 fish to the surface

Big Dive 10 Points

Return over 250 gold worth of items in a single dive

Halfway There 25 Points

Dive to 500m and return with at least one item

Collector 25 Points

Collect one of every type of item and fish

Loaded Hook 50 Points

Return to the surface with 21 items in a single dive

Getting Schooled 25 Points

Get chased by seven fish at once

Hard Mode 50 Points

Reach the bottom with any three upgrades disabled

Gold Digger 50 Points

Retrieve the treasure chest

Gold Sniper 100 Points

Return to the surface with ONLY the treasure chest

Bragging Rights 100 Points

Unlock all medals. Reward: golden hook